One element on the path to a socio-ecological market economy within planetary boundaries is the circular economy - more accurately formulated as a circular economy. This describes the vision of regenerative economic systems in which raw materials are managed in a circular way. With its description of the technosphere and biosphere, Cradle to Cradle makes a significant, realisable contribution to this.
The circular economy abandons the conventional linear way of thinking – from raw material to product to waste. Products at the end of their utilisation phase remain as recyclable materials or sources of raw materials for further cycles of value creation. The more products are designed in a circular way, the better for the economy, the environment and consumers. With its projects, formats and contributions to discussions, BAUM is helping to achieve this ambitious, forward-looking goal.
BAUM Insights
In each issue of the magazine forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, BAUM publishes a special section entitled BAUM Insights.
Latest issues:
4/2024 - Corporate health management
1/2025 - Sustainable Finance
2/2025 - Making business travel climate-friendly