A future worth living, planetary boundaries - remarkable progress is being made worldwide in the right direction. However, the topic needs more dynamism, much more. Digitalisation offers enormous opportunities for organising our way of doing business and organising society, but also risks that must not be ignored. It's about recognising the great opportunities now and making digitalisation the best tool for a future worth living: for solving ecological, social and ethical issues - economically valuable.
BAUM is working on this core area of expertise in strategic collaboration with Charta digitale Vernetzung, an initiative that is committed to a common set of values and a sustainable sense of responsibility in the digital transformation.
BAUM Insights
In each issue of the magazine forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, BAUM publishes a special section entitled BAUM Insights.
Latest issues:
4/2024 - Corporate health management
1/2025 - Sustainable Finance
2/2025 - Making business travel climate-friendly