In order to stop anthropogenic climate change and achieve the two-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement, greenhouse gas emissions must be significantly reduced quickly. This can be achieved through an intelligent mix of measures, particularly in the electricity, heating and transport sectors. Expanding and utilising renewable energies, increasing energy efficiency, integrating resource-efficient existing technology into industrial processes and plants and thus saving money - all of this increases profits.
In addition to the further development of innovative technologies and the expansion of modern infrastructure, sufficiency strategies play a major role. The change is supported by a reliable political framework. Sustainable production patterns and lifestyles set new priorities and support the sustainable transformation.
We bundle our projects and initiatives that contribute to climate protection under the umbrella of "Wirtschaft pro Klima" (Business for Climate).
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BAUM Insights
In each issue of the magazine forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften, BAUM publishes a special section entitled BAUM Insights.
Latest issues:
4/2024 - Corporate health management
1/2025 - Sustainable Finance
2/2025 - Making business travel climate-friendly